Fantastic Cost in Use
Chemical Solutions Ltd pride themselves on formulating and manufacturing with a “safest and lowest cost per wash products available in New Zealand” mandate. Products have reduced water content to assist freight efficiency.
AllChem products provide end users with excellent costs in use, when used as recommended. Many of the products in the AllChem range are concentrated – designed to be diluted with more water than many competitive products.
“Cost in use” is the cost for the amount of product (mls) required to give a diluted solution of ready-to-use product, in order to achieve optimum results. This can be achieved either by measuring and manually diluting the correct amount of product per litre of water, or by the utilisation of automatic dosing equipment.
Many low cost products available provide what appear to be good economies, but can actually provide a poor real “cost in use”. This can in turn lead to false economies for the end user, if they are required to use significantly more product over the course of time to achieve similar results.